Series on
Nonviolence & Care for Creation
This 5-Session Conversation Series is a collaboration of Casa Esther Catholic Worker House in Omro, Wisconsin, The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, Pax Christi USA & EcoCareNow
“I want to thank you for the excellent series. I have been watching the recordings and plan to include some of them in my Theology and the Environment course next semester. I am so grateful for your bringing such excellent panels together to address crucial issues. The topics, presenters, and format are all excellent.” Jennifer Reed-Bouley, Theology Program Director, College of St. Mary, Omaha NE – 11/07/2023
This series aims to explore a crucial connection between violence and the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent strategies in achieving sustainable ecological integrity.
The foundation for this thought-provoking exploration is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, particularly drawing inspiration from Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ (2015), and his visionary perspective on the role of active nonviolence in nurturing a harmonious relationship between humanity and our planet.
- Class Use: Recordings of each session have discussion/essay questions inserted after each speaker presentation. All presentations are under 20 minutes. The YouTube recordings are divided into chapters making it easy to pinpoint a particular presentation. All presentations are 20 minutes and under, except for one.
- Extra Credit Project: When classroom use is not practical, offering the series as an extra credit project is a great option. This series will be an invaluable education experience for your students.