CNI Fall Series – 2023

Series on
Nonviolence & Care for Creation

This 5-Session Conversation Series is a collaboration of Casa Esther Catholic Worker House in Omro, Wisconsin, The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, Pax Christi USA & EcoCareNow

“I want to thank you for the excellent series.  I have been watching the recordings and plan to include some of them in my Theology and the Environment course next semester.  I am so grateful for your bringing such excellent panels together to address crucial issues.  The topics, presenters, and format are all excellent.”     Jennifer Reed-Bouley, Theology Program Director, College of St. Mary, Omaha NE – 11/07/2023

This series aims to explore a crucial connection between violence and the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent strategies in achieving sustainable ecological integrity. 

The foundation for this thought-provoking exploration is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, particularly drawing inspiration from Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ (2015), and his visionary perspective on the role of active nonviolence in nurturing a harmonious relationship between humanity and our planet.

  1. Class Use: Recordings of each session have discussion/essay questions inserted after each speaker presentation. All presentations are under 20 minutes. The YouTube recordings are divided into chapters making it easy to pinpoint a particular presentation. All presentations are 20 minutes and under, except for one.
  2. Extra Credit Project: When classroom use is not practical, offering the series as an extra credit project is a great option. This series will be an invaluable education experience for your students.

Session One

Theological Foundations of Environmental Justice

Drawing on Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Care for our Common Home, Laudato Si’, this conversation will provide an overview of Catholic Social Teaching on Care for Creation. Panelists will explore key themes of the Church’s position on environmentalism and discuss the role of active nonviolence and intergenerational peacemaking in achieving Pope Francis’ vision for a Laudati Si’ Future. 

1st Presentation by Fr. Emmanuel Katongole, runtime: 17 minutes

2nd Presentation by Daniel Castillo, runtime: 19 minutes

3rd Presentation by Anna Blackman, runtime: 11 minutes

Session Two

The Multifaceted Nature and Realities of Environmental Violence

This conversation will explore various forms of environmental violence. Panelists will discuss the realities of environmental violence in their respective contexts, including extractivism, environmental racism, the displacement of people due to climate change, impacts on health and other environmental issues.

1st Presentation by Sharon Lavigne, runtime: 17 minutes

2nd Presentation by Br. Rodrigo Peret, OFM, runtime: 19 minutes

3rd Presentation by Nathalie Kangaji, runtime: 24 minutes

Session Three

Ecological Impact of
Military Spending and War

This conversation focuses on the systemic and asymmetric impact of military expenditures on environmental degradation. Panelists will discuss the many ways in which defense expenditures compromise environmental sustainability, with war being the epitome of environmental destruction.

1st Presentation by Stephanie Savell, runtime: 15 minutes

2nd Presentation by Fr. Matthew Pagan, runtime: 13 minutes

3rd Presentation by Tom Cordaro, runtime: 13 minutes

4th Presentation by Lindsay Koshgarian, runtime: 13 minutes

Session Four

Young Catholic Climate Activists
on the Frontlines of
Advancing Nonviolence

This conversation explores the pivotal role of young Catholics in addressing the climate crisis including the use of nonviolence as a necessary tool. Young panelists will share their personal stories, insights and experiences.

Nia White Profile final-2
Henry Glynn Profile final
Teresa Rojo Tsosie Profile final
Diana Marin Profile final
Ryan Di Corpo Profile final

1st Presentation by Teresa Rojo Tsosie, runtime: 7 minutes

2nd Presentation by Diana Marin, runtime: 12 minutes

3rd Presentation by Nia White, runtime: 9 minutes

4th Presentation by Henry Glynn, runtime: 10 minutes

Session Five

Mobilizing for a Laudato Si and Nonviolent Future:
Hope for Radical Ecological Conversion and
Collective Liberation

During this conversation, panelists will discuss practical solutions that are being implemented in their respective contexts to achieve an integral ecology. A hopeful overview of Church efforts to address the climate crisis and offer solutions will be presented.

1st Presentation by Christina Leano, runtime: 18 minutes

2nd Presentation by Jose Aguto, runtime: 20 minutes

3rd Presentation by Fr. Emmanuel Katongole, runtime: 19 minutes

We highly recommend the three videos below to supplement what you have learned in this series:
-Video 1: Ken Butigan, a faculty member of DePaul University and member of the CNI Executive Committee shares his reflection on the intersection Pope Francis’ Laudato Deum and his teachings on nonviolence.
-Video 2: Is the animated story of how Sharon Lavigne became an activist and organizer.
-Video 3: “The Letter” tells the story of the Pope’s call to care for our planet.

For more information about this series,
please contact David Mueller: or call (920) 809-4282

If you want a downloadable flyer: